Maggie Lamond Simone

Books, Etc.
Columns, Old and Less Old

My wit and wisdom currently appear in the Syracuse, NY Family Times magazine, as well as the East Aurora, NY weekly paper, The Advertiser. I was a weekly columnist for the Syracuse Sunday Herald American for six years, and my essays are published in Misadventures of Moms and Disasters of Dads (Moms in Print, 2004), Hello, Goodbye (July Literary Press, 2004), and Chicken Soup for the New Mom's Soul (2007).
My first national essay was published in Cosmopolitan, a coup which bought me a Golden Retriever named Decker, who is the subject of my first children's book (LOSING DECKER), which is scheduled for release in August 2007. Another picture book, SOPHIE'S SOUNDS, is scheduled for release in May 2007, even though I wrote it second. Maybe it's better and that's why it's being released first. Or maybe they just didn't want to release a book about a dying dog right after the holidays.
I've won four national awards for my column, including two Gold Awards from the PPA (Parenting Publications of America). The first was for an essay about breaking my daughter's leg, so that's nice.  It was an accident. The second was for an essay about telling my son I'm a recovering alcoholic so that he didn't start his young life with the misconception that drunks are bad people. I'm a just a hoot all the way around.
Oh - and for more fun reading for the whole family, I'm almost finished with a memoir about self-injuring. In my past life, when I didn't much care whether I was here or not, I had some - oh, let's call them "issues" with the "I'll show you, I'll hurt me" philosophy, and each time I survived when I probably shouldn't have, I thought, Someday I'll have to write about this. Someday, evidently, is now.

My Decker. Broke my heart, he did.


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